My name is Brian Fogarty. I am now 52 and, since I was three months old, I have been riding in our family's boats at Indian Lake. I tried to find information on the Wagemaker Company but there was no club or internet site. So, I started the Wagemaker Wolverine and Cadillac Boats Marque Club and began acquiring many brochures and ads. I have been president of the Marque Club for Wolverine boats and have had hundreds of people asking me questions and sending photos of their Wolverines they found and are fixing up. What a rewarding venture! So, what is so neat about Wolverines? They made office and work furniture and high-grade wood cabinets for organizing and filing systems.  My wagemaker website is helping people find answers to questions as they bring their boats back to life. The company motto was always “Stands for Quality”. 

This is my top ten wooden boats companies that I made for my class
This is a story about me etc. by  Lee Wangstad see below